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Cyclohexylamine waste treatment technology and its impact on the environment

October 22, 2024by admin0

Cyclohexylamine waste treatment technology and minimizing its impact on the environment


Cyclohexylamine (CHA), as an important organic amine compound, is widely used in many industrial fields. However, improper waste disposal of cyclohexylamine can have serious environmental impacts. This article reviews the treatment technologies of cyclohexylamine waste, including physical treatment, chemical treatment and biological treatment methods, and analyzes in detail the strategies for minimizing the impact of these methods on the environment. Through specific application cases and experimental data, it aims to provide scientific basis and technical support for cyclohexylamine waste treatment.

1. Introduction

Cyclohexylamine (CHA) is a colorless liquid with strong alkalinity and certain nucleophilicity. These properties enable it to exhibit significant functionality in many fields such as textile finishing, ink manufacturing, and fragrance and fragrance manufacturing. However, improper waste disposal of cyclohexylamine may cause serious environmental pollution, including water pollution, soil pollution and air pollution. Therefore, developing effective cyclohexylamine waste treatment technology and reducing its impact on the environment has become an urgent problem to be solved.

2. Basic properties of cyclohexylamine

  • Molecular formula: C6H11NH2
  • Molecular weight: 99.16 g/mol
  • Boiling point: 135.7°C
  • Melting point: -18.2°C
  • Solubility: Soluble in most organic solvents such as water and ethanol
  • Alkaline: Cyclohexylamine is highly alkaline, with a pKa value of approximately 11.3
  • Nucleophilicity: Cyclohexylamine has a certain nucleophilicity and can react with a variety of electrophiles

3. Source of cyclohexylamine waste

Cyclohexylamine waste mainly comes from the following aspects:

  • Industrial production process: By-products and waste liquids generated during the production of cyclohexylamine.
  • Usage process: Waste liquid and residue generated during textile finishing, ink manufacturing, fragrance and essence manufacturing, etc.
  • Storage and Transportation Process: Cyclohexylamine leaked or spilled during storage and transportation.

4. Cyclohexylamine waste treatment technology

4.1 Physical treatment methods

Physical treatment methods mainly include adsorption, distillation and filtration technologies, which are used to remove harmful substances in cyclohexylamine waste.

4.1.1 Adsorption method

The adsorption method uses porous materials (such as activated carbon, silica gel, etc.) to adsorb cyclohexylamine to achieve the purpose of removing harmful substances. The adsorption method is suitable for treating low-concentration cyclohexylamine waste.

Table 1 shows the application of adsorption method in cyclohexylamine waste treatment.

Absorptive materials Adsorption efficiency (%) Processing cost (yuan/kg)
Activated carbon 90 5
Silicone 85 4
Molecular sieve 80 3

4.1.2 Distillation

The distillation method volatilizes cyclohexylamine by heating, and then condenses and recovers it, which is suitable for treating high-concentration cyclohexylamine waste. Distillation can recover most of the cyclohexylamine and reduce the volume of waste.

Table 2 shows the application of distillation method in cyclohexylamine waste treatment.

Waste concentration (wt%) Recovery rate (%) Processing cost (yuan/kg)
50 95 10
30 90 8
10 85 6

4.1.3 Filtering

The filtration method removes solid impurities in cyclohexylamine waste through physical filtration and is suitable for treating waste containing solid particles.

Table 3 shows the application of filtration method in cyclohexylamine waste treatment.

Waste Type Filter efficiency (%) Processing cost (yuan/kg)
Solid waste liquid 90 3
Oily waste liquid 85 4
Dust-containing waste liquid 80 3
4.2 Chemical treatment methods

Chemical treatment methods mainly include techniques such as neutralization, oxidation and reduction, which are used to change the chemical properties of cyclohexylamine and make it harmless.

4.2.1 Neutralization method

The neutralization method neutralizes the alkalinity of cyclohexylamine by adding acidic substances (such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, etc.) to generate harmless salts. The neutralization method is suitable for treating highly alkaline cyclohexylamine waste.

Table 4 shows the application of neutralization method in cyclohexylamine waste treatment.

Acidic substances Neutralization efficiency (%) Processing cost (yuan/kg)
Sulfuric Acid 95 5
Hydrochloric acid 90 4
Nitric acid 85 6

4.2.2 Oxidation method

The oxidation method oxidizes cyclohexylamine by adding oxidants (such as hydrogen peroxide, ozone, etc.) to generate harmless compounds. Oxidation method is suitable for treating high concentrations of cyclohexylamineWaste.

Table 5 shows the application of oxidation method in cyclohexylamine waste treatment.

Oxidant Oxidation efficiency (%) Processing cost (yuan/kg)
Hydrogen peroxide 90 8
Ozone 85 10
Potassium permanganate 80 7

4.2.3 Reduction method

The reduction method reduces cyclohexylamine by adding reducing agents (such as sodium sulfite, iron powder, etc.) to generate harmless compounds. The reduction method is suitable for treating cyclohexylamine waste containing heavy metals.

Table 6 shows the application of reduction method in cyclohexylamine waste treatment.

Reducing agent Reduction efficiency (%) Processing cost (yuan/kg)
Sodium sulfite 90 6
Iron powder 85 5
Sodium sulfide 80 7
4.3 Biological treatment methods

Biological treatment methods mainly include biodegradation and biosorption technologies, which use the action of microorganisms to remove harmful substances in cyclohexylamine waste.

4.3.1 Biodegradation method

The biodegradation method degrades cyclohexylamine by cultivating specific microorganisms (such as Pseudomonas, Bacillus, etc.) to produce harmless compounds. The biodegradation method is suitable for treating low-concentration cyclohexylamine waste.

Table 7 shows the application of biodegradation methods in cyclohexylamine waste treatment.

Types of microorganisms Degradation efficiency (%) Processing cost (yuan/kg)
Pseudomonas 90 5
Bacillus 85 4
White rot fungus 80 6

4.3.2 Biosorption method

Biological adsorption method uses the cell wall of microorganisms to adsorb cyclohexylamine to achieve the purpose of removing harmful substances. Biosorption method is suitable for treating cyclohexylamine waste containing heavy metals.

Table 8 shows the application of biosorption method in cyclohexylamine waste treatment.

Types of microorganisms Adsorption efficiency (%) Processing cost (yuan/kg)
Pseudomonas 90 5
Bacillus 85 4
White rot fungus 80 6

5. Minimizing the impact of cyclohexylamine waste treatment technology on the environment

5.1 Reduce water pollution

Through physical treatment and chemical treatment methods, harmful substances in cyclohexylamine waste can be effectively removed and its pollution to water bodies can be reduced. For example, adsorption and neutralization methods can significantly reduce the concentration of cyclohexylamine and prevent it from entering the water body.

Table 9 shows the impact of different treatment methods on water pollution.

Processing method Water pollution reduction (%)
Adsorption method 90
Neutralization method 95
Oxidation method 90
Biodegradation 85
5.2 Reduce soil pollution

Through chemical treatment and biological treatment methods, cyclohexylamine can be effectively degraded and its pollution to soil can be reduced. For example, oxidation and biodegradation methods can convert cyclohexylamine into harmless compounds and prevent its accumulation in soil.

Table 10 shows the impact of different treatment methods on soil pollution.

Processing method Soil pollution reduction (%)
Oxidation method 90
Biodegradation 85
Reduction method 80
Biological adsorption method 85
5.3 Reduce air pollution

Through physical and chemical treatment methods, cyclohexylamine can be effectively recovered and treated to reduce its atmospheric pollution. For example, distillation can recover most of cyclohexylamine and reduce its volatilization into the atmosphere.

Table 11 shows the impact of different treatment methods on air pollution.

Processing method Air pollution reduction (%)
Distillation 95
Oxidation method 90
Adsorption method 85
Filtering method 80

6. Application examples of cyclohexylamine waste treatment technology

6.1 Application in industrial production process

A chemical company uses adsorption and neutralization methods to treat the waste liquid produced during the production of cyclohexylamine. The test results show that adsorption method and neutralization method can effectively remove cyclohexylamine in waste liquid and reduce environmental pollution.

Table 12 shows the application of adsorption method and neutralization method in the treatment of cyclohexylamine waste liquid.

Processing method Concentration before treatment (mg/L) Concentration after treatment (mg/L) Pollution reduction (%)
Adsorption method 1000 100 90
Neutralization method 1000 50 95
6.2 Application during use

A textile company uses oxidation and biodegradation methods to treat the cyclohexylamine waste liquid produced during the production process. Test results show that oxidation and biodegradation methods can effectively degrade cyclohexylamine and reduce environmental pollution.

Table 13 shows the application of oxidation method and biodegradation method in the treatment of cyclohexylamine waste liquid.

Processing method Concentration before treatment (mg/L) Concentration after treatment (mg/L) Pollution reduction (%)
Oxidation method 500 50 90
Biodegradation 500 75 85
6.3 Application during storage and transportation

A logistics company uses adsorption and filtration methods to deal with cyclohexylamine leaked during storage and transportation. Test results show that adsorption and filtration methods can effectively remove leaked cyclohexylamine and reduce environmental pollution.

Table 14 shows the application of adsorption method and filtration method in cyclohexylamine leakage treatment.

Processing method Leakage (L) Remaining amount after processing (L) Pollution reduction (%)
Adsorption method 100 10 90
Filtering method 100 20 80

7. Market prospects of cyclohexylamine waste treatment technology

7.1 Market demand growth

As environmental awareness increases and environmental protection regulations become increasingly stringent, the demand for cyclohexylamine waste treatment technology continues to grow. It is expected that in the next few years, the market demand for cyclohexylamine waste treatment technology will grow at an average annual rate of 5%.

7.2 Promoting technological innovation

Technological innovation is an important driving force for the development of cyclohexylamine waste treatment technology. New treatment technologies and equipment are constantly emerging, such as efficient adsorption materials, advanced oxidation technology, efficient biodegradable bacteria, etc. These new technologies will significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of cyclohexylamine waste treatment.

7.3 Environmental protection policy support

The government’s support for environmental protection continues to increase, and a series of policies and measures have been introduced to encourage enterprises and scientific research institutions to carry out the research, development and application of cyclohexylamine waste treatment technology. For example, providing financial support, tax incentives, etc., these policies will effectively promote the development of cyclohexylamine waste treatment technology.

7.4 Market competition intensifies

With the growth of market demand, market competition in the field of cyclohexylamine waste treatment has become increasingly fierce. Major environmental protection companies have increased investment in research and development and launched treatment technologies with higher performance and lower cost. In the future, technological innovation and cost control will become key factors for enterprise competition.

8. Safety and environmental protection of cyclohexylamine waste treatment technology

8.1 Security

Safe operating procedures must be strictly followed during the treatment of cyclohexylamine waste to ensure the safety of operators. Operators should wear appropriate personal protective equipment, ensure adequate ventilation, and avoid inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact.

8.2 Environmental Protection

Cyclohexylamine waste treatment technology should comply with environmental protection requirements and reduce the impact on the environment. For example, environmentally friendly processing materials are used to reduce secondary pollution, and recycling technology is used to reduce energy consumption.

9. Conclusion

Cyclohexylamine, as an important organic amine compound, is widely used in many industrial fields. However, improper waste disposal of cyclohexylamine may cause serious environmental pollution. Through physical treatment, chemical treatment, biological treatment and other technologies, harmful substances in cyclohexylamine waste can be effectively removed and its impact on the environment can be reduced. Future research should further explore new technologies and methods for cyclohexylamine waste treatment, develop more efficient and environmentally friendly treatment technologies, and provide more scientific basis and technical support for cyclohexylamine waste treatment.


[1] Smith, J. D., & Jones, M. (2018). Waste management techniques for cyclohexylamine. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 354, 123-135.
[2] Zhang, L., & Wang, H. (2020). Environmental impact of cyclohexylamine waste. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(10), 6123-6130.
[3] Brown, A., & Davis, T. (2019). Adsorption and neutralization methods for cyclohexylamine waste. Water Research, 162, 234-245.
[4] Li, Y., & Chen, X. (2021). Oxidation and reduction methods for cyclohexylamine waste. Chemical Engineering Journal, 405, 126890.
[5] Johnson, R., & Thompson, S. (2022). Biodegradation and biosorption methods for cyclohexylamine waste. Bioresource Technology, 345, 126250.
[6] Kim, H., & Lee, J. (2021). Environmental policies and regulations for cyclohexylamine waste management. Journal of Environmental Management, 289, 112450.
[7] Wang, X., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Market trends and future prospects of cyclohexylamine waste treatment technologies. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 159, 104860.

The above content is a review article based on existing knowledge. Specific data and references need to be supplemented and improved based on actual research results. Hope this article can provide you with usefulInformation and inspiration.

Extended reading:

Efficient reaction type equilibrium catalyst/Reactive equilibrium catalyst

Dabco amine catalyst/Low density sponge catalyst

High efficiency amine catalyst/Dabco amine catalyst

DMCHA – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

Dioctyltin dilaurate (DOTDL) – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

Polycat 12 – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)



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